Members-only Machine Learning How to classify a machine learning problem Recently, I was part of a big data project where my group and I were using machine learning to predict the success or failure of a Kickstarter project. This problem reminded me of a previous project I had worked on......
Members-only Computer Vision Variational autoencoders simply explained Our ability to draw, write, and innovate is rivalled by no other species. It’s what has allowed us to become as advanced as we are today. But soon, we might not be the only ones with the skill of creativity. Computers are catching up, and they’re catching up fast....
Members-only Data 3 best books to start off your data science journey When I wanted to explore the machine learning world, I knew I would be requiring good books. Books that would teach me the ins and outs of this world....
Members-only AI Accelerator Festival APAC Optimize hardware and bring AI to the Edge at the world's only online APAC festival dedicated to accelerating industries in APAC by harnessing the power of AI....
Members-only Computer Vision Festival Accelerating industries with the value of vision with the world's only online festival dedicated to Computer Vision....
Members-only Pharma, Healthcare & Life Sciences Q&A with Bill Fox, SambaNova - Practical application of NLP, Computer Vision and Recommendation Models We caught up with Bill to discuss his festival session, what excites him about AI, the biggest challenges for organizations adopting AI, and...
Members-only Pharma, Healthcare & Life Sciences AI Innovation in Healthcare We caught up with Ahmed Serag, Global Director, Data Science & AI Innovation at Novartis, to ask him some questions about his presentation...
Members-only Security Driving AI Forward: Q&A with Mahasa Zahirnia We caught up with Mahasa Zahirnia to discuss her festival talk, what excites her about AI, the biggest challenges for organizations adopting AI...
Members-only Edge AI Disrupting Defence & Aerospace: An AI Cookbook with Serco > "I’m worse than a kid in a candy store, I like to play with everything, UUV, UAV, neural interfaces, microchips,...
Members-only AI Accelerators AI Hardware Innovation: [Q&A with HSBC] The ease and scale of AI adoption really fascinates me. Now more than ever before, it’s easy to design and implement an AI solution in any industry, especially Financial Services. Public Cloud adoption has had a profound impact in my area of work in Wholesale Banking and so does AI/ML....
Members-only Security Improving Software Security Through Input Validation In today's world, software is everywhere. It is becoming more and more a part of our every-day lives, whether we are...
Members-only Edge AI Edge Computing Role in Automotive Industry The Internet of Things - technology that’s enabling unprecedented levels of connectivity and visibility, creating new opportunities for organizations to improve productivity...
Members-only Machine Learning Top 5 AI Trends to Watch in 2021 It’s time to turn our sights to the year ahead - and take a look at the AI topics that we’ll all be hearing more about in 2021....
Members-only Q&A Roundup - AI Accelerate APAC 2020 We’ve pulled out some of the top questions and answers from the AI Accelerate Festival APAC to share with you....
Members-only Edge AI AI at the Edge: Speaker Q&A with Sabrina Ren, OPPO Ahead of the AI Accelerate Festival APAC, we caught up with Sabrina Ren, Director, Tech Scouting and Open Innovation of OPPO to discuss AI hardware, Machine Learning and Edge AI....